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  • IDEATECH Survey: Latest Survey on ChatGPT Content Marketing Practices in the U.S.


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IDEATECH Survey: Latest Survey on ChatGPT Content Marketing Practices in the U.S.

(PR TIMES) 2024年04月18日(木)13時45分配信 PR TIMES



 Tokyo, Japan - IDEATECH, a provider of comprehensive research data marketing services through Research+P [rispi](https://ideatech.jp/service/research-pr), conducted a survey on the latest trends in ChatGPT content marketing utilization among 100 content marketing professionals from U.S. companies with experience using ChatGPT in their operations. We are pleased to announce key findings from this survey in this press release.
■ Survey Summary / 調査サマリー
[画像1: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/45863/225/45863-225-1aa10120f4c005362e31ec6cc8bf7644-1999x1500.png?width=536&quality=85%2C75&format=jpeg&auto=webp&fit=bounds&bg-color=fff ]

▼Click here to download the PDF report of this survey. (本調査のレポートダウンロードはこちら)


English ver.
Survey on ChatGPT Content Marketing Practices in the U.S.

■ Survey Overview / 調査概要
- Summary: Latest Survey on ChatGPT Content Marketing Practices in the U.S.- Methodology: Conducted through IDEATECH's online Research PR service Research+P [rispi].- Survey Duration: March 13, 2024, to March 14, 2024.- Respondents Profile: 100 content marketing professionals from U.S. companies with experience using ChatGPT.

- 調査名称:米国における最新のChatGPTコンテンツマーケティング活用実態調査- 調査方法:IDEATECHが提供するリサーチPR「リサピー(R)」の企画によるインターネット調査- 調査期間:2024年03月13日〜同年03月14日- 有効回答:業務でChatGPTを活用した経験がある米国企業のコンテンツマーケティング担当者100名

■Survey Contents / 調査内容
[画像2: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/45863/225/45863-225-d089a348f3ac2de55f6d97a8207e3d6b-1200x900.png?width=536&quality=85%2C75&format=jpeg&auto=webp&fit=bounds&bg-color=fff ]

- Brainstorming topics: 54.0%- Creating thought leadership content: 49.0%- Generating blog posts or white papers: 49.0%- Conducting data analysis: 35.0%- Crafting customized content: 31.0%- Acquiring market insights: 26.0%- Developing customer stories or case studies: 19.0%- Producing newsletters or email marketing content: 17.0%- Creating social media posts: 15.0%- Producing SEO-optimized content: 12.0%- Compiling competitive analysis reports: 11.0%- Creating video scripts and creative content: 9.0%- Other: 0.0%- Unsure/Prefer not to say: 0.0%

[画像3: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/45863/225/45863-225-3129a656b5b13b8bf96ad251b04fa0ea-1200x900.png?width=536&quality=85%2C75&format=jpeg&auto=webp&fit=bounds&bg-color=fff ]

- Encountering misinformation: 57.0%- A decline in content quality: 49.0%- Delay in incorporating the latest updates: 38.0%- Concerns over security and privacy: 37.0%- Potential risk to brand image: 35.0%- Risk of decreased customer satisfaction: 30.0%- Other: 2.0%- None: 4.0%- Unsure/Prefer not to say: 2.0%

[画像4: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/45863/225/45863-225-23aeafad211dddbf2ff1ed7ce6484dc6-1200x900.png?width=536&quality=85%2C75&format=jpeg&auto=webp&fit=bounds&bg-color=fff ]

- Planning to increase the budget: 54.0%Budget already allocated: 33.0%Currently considering it: 10.0%Not planning to allocate a budget: 3.0%

■Key Findings / まとめ
This report presents findings from a survey conducted among 100 content marketing professionals from U.S. companies who have experience using ChatGPT in their work. The survey aimed to uncover the latest trends in how ChatGPT is utilized for content marketing within the United States.

Key insights include that 54.0% of respondents use ChatGPT for brainstorming topics, and 55.0% have noticed an improvement in productivity due to its use. However, challenges such as delayed updates (57.0%) and the inclusion of misinformation (49.0%) were also identified as significant concerns. Importantly, 87.0% of those surveyed plan to invest or have already invested in high-quality content, reflecting a strong belief in the potential of ChatGPT.

The survey highlights the critical role of ChatGPT in content marketing, demonstrating both the advantages it offers, such as enhanced productivity and the ability to quickly generate high-quality content, and the challenges that come with it, including the need to address issues like delayed updates. Looking forward, it's expected that overcoming these challenges will enable the production of even higher-quality content and broaden the application of ChatGPT in content marketing.



▼Click here to download the PDF report of this survey. (本調査のレポートダウンロードはこちら)

English ver.
Survey on ChatGPT Content Marketing Practices in the U.S.

■Grow Your Business with Research Data Marketing: Research+P [rispi] / リサーチデータマーケティングで事業を成長させる『リサピー(R)』 
[画像5: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/45863/225/45863-225-331521258f47a5f6433ac5c8c1d0eb35-638x248.png?width=536&quality=85%2C75&format=jpeg&auto=webp&fit=bounds&bg-color=fff ]
Research Data Marketing Research+P [rispi] is a service that leverages survey research to capture public opinion as evidence and utilizes that research content in press releases, white papers, newsletter content, sales materials, and websites to accelerate marketing efforts. With a delivery timeline of 20 business days from project approval, the service swiftly advances business initiatives.

Research+P [rispi] Website: https://ideatech.jp/service/research-pr
Research+P [rispi] Official Note: https://note.com/research_pr
Research+P [rispi] Official Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/researchprjp


Company Overview / 会社概要
Company name: IDEATECH Inc.
Representative: Tomoo Ishikawa, CEO and Representative Director
Address: 1001 Maison Aoyama, 2-7-26 Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0061, Japan
Date of Establishment: February 2010
Services:・PR Consulting Service
     ・Research Data Marketing Research+P [rispi]
URL: https://ideatech.jp

会社名 :株式会社IDEATECH
代表者 :代表取締役社長 石川友夫
所在地 :〒107-0061 東京都港区北青山2-7-26 メゾン青山1001
設立日 :2010年2月
URL  :https://ideatech.jp

プレスリリース提供:PR TIMES
