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  • IDEATECH Survey: The Significance of Research Reports for U.S. BtoB Professionals


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IDEATECH Survey: The Significance of Research Reports for U.S. BtoB Professionals

(PR TIMES) 2023年12月21日(木)13時45分配信 PR TIMES


Tokyo, Japan - IDEATECH, a provider of comprehensive research data marketing services through Research+P [rispi] (https://ideatech.jp/service/research-pr), recently revealed the findings from a survey conducted with 100 business professionals employed by American companies in the BtoB sector who have experience in downloading research reports. The following is an excerpt from the survey.

Survey Summary / 調査サマリー

[画像1: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/45863/180/45863-180-ef8a70be220c3b459ca0168b1e15d589-3900x2924.png ]

▼Click here to download the PDF report of this survey.(本調査のレポートダウンロードはこちら)

Survey Overview / 調査概要

・Summary: The significance of research reports on American business professionals in the BtoB sector.
・Methodology: Conducted through IDEATECH's online Research PR service Research+P [rispi].
・Survey Duration: October 25, 2023, to November 8, 2023.
・Respondents Profile: 100 business professionals engaged in American companies' BtoB sector who had experience downloading and using research reports.
Note: The composition ratios are rounded to the second decimal place, so the total may not always add up to 100.


Survey Contents / 調査内容

[画像2: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/45863/180/45863-180-76afd077b5c5053e27e7ec9424c3e08e-960x720.jpg ]

・Very frequently (e.g., multiple times a week): 36,0%
・Somewhat frequently (e.g., once a week): 31,0%
・Occasionally (e.g., a few times a year): 21,0%
・Rarely (e.g., a few times a year): 12,0%
[画像3: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/45863/180/45863-180-26bb25e2c1cc46f418c29f73e9eb92bd-960x720.jpg ]

・Very useful: 54,0%
・Somewhat useful: 33,0%
・Not so useful: 11,0%
・Not at all useful: 2,0%
[画像4: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/45863/180/45863-180-bf98850ea9cb10fd37fd72f1d59f100d-960x720.jpg ]

・Companies that publish research reports are more reliable: 58,0%
・Companies that do not publish research reports are more reliable: 20,0%
・There is not a significant difference in reliability: 17,0%
・I have no specific opinion: 5,0%

Key Findings / まとめ

In our recent survey, we reached out to 100 business professionals employed by companies in the United States engaged in BtoB activities. These professionals had prior experience with downloading research reports. We aimed to gain insights into the significance of research reports in the context of US BtoB companies.

Firstly, we asked these professionals about the frequency of downloading research reports that are published by their business counterparts. It turns out that 36.0% of respondents download these reports multiple times a week, while 31.0% do so once a week. This suggests that nearly 70% of respondents download these reports at least once a week. The primary reason for downloading research reports was to gain a deeper understanding of their industry or specific topics (54.0%), followed closely by the desire to stay updated on industry trends (48.0%). Additionally, approximately 90% of respondents found these reports beneficial for their work. When asked about the impact of research reports on their work, around 60% mentioned that they gained valuable data and insights. Concerning follow-up communication after downloading, about half of the respondents perceived proactive follow-ups as positive and appreciated them. Furthermore, approximately 60% believed companies issuing research reports were more trustworthy than those that did not.

This survey highlights that many BtoB companies in the United States regularly download and utilize "research reports" for their business needs. Issuing these reports is closely linked to a company's credibility, suggesting that in the U.S. BtoB industry, the dissemination of such reports has become indispensable. The utilization of research reports, which can also enhance a company's trustworthiness, is expected to continue growing in significance.




▼Click here to download the PDF report of this survey.(本調査のレポートダウンロードはこちら)

Grow Your Business with Research Data Marketing: Research+P [rispi] / リサーチデータマーケティングで事業を成長させる『リサピー(R)』 

[画像5: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/45863/180/45863-180-bfe68339c5936c2c19d145a1cfd47fba-409x171.jpg ]

Research Data Marketing Research+P [rispi] is a service that boosts marketing efforts by leveraging global opinions through surveys, using research content for press releases, white papers, email newsletter content, sales materials, websites, and more. We ensure rapid delivery with a turnaround time of just 20 business days from the planning decision, enabling us to expedite the promotion of your business.

Research+P [rispi] Website: https://ideatech.jp/service/research-pr
Research+P [rispi] Official Note: https://note.com/research_pr
Research+P [rispi] Official Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/researchprjp



Company Overview / 会社概要

Company name: IDEATECH Inc.
Representative: Tomoo Ishikawa, CEO and Representative Director
Address: 1001 Maison Aoyama, 2-7-26 Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0061, Japan
Date of Establishment: February 2010
Services:・PR Consulting Service
     ・Research Data Marketing Research+P [rispi]
URL: https://ideatech.jp

会社名 :株式会社IDEATECH
代表者 :代表取締役社長 石川友夫
所在地 :〒107-0061 東京都港区北青山2-7-26 メゾン青山1001
設立日 :2010年2月
URL  :https://ideatech.jp

プレスリリース提供:PR TIMES
