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  • 大阪エヴェッサ マティアス・フィッシャー ヘッドコーチ 契約基本合意(継続)のお知らせ


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大阪エヴェッサ マティアス・フィッシャー ヘッドコーチ 契約基本合意(継続)のお知らせ

(PR TIMES) 2023年05月23日(火)17時45分配信 PR TIMES

このたび、大阪エヴェッサでは、マティアス・フィッシャー ヘッドコーチと2023-24シーズンの契約が基本合意に達しましたことをお知らせします。
[画像: https://prtimes.jp/i/45254/146/resize/d45254-146-aa1517389b6e5c91f8ae-0.jpg ]

Trainer Academy Cologne
2004-05 AmicaleSteinsel(ルクセンブルグ)
2007-08 Black Star Mersch(ルクセンブルグ)
2008-09 kelagWortherseePiraten(オーストリア)
2009-12 Allianz Swans Gmunden(オーストリア)
※Champion 2009.10
※ Vice Champion 2010.11、2011.12
2012-13 LTiGiessen 46ers (ドイツ)
2013-16 Telekom Baskets Bonn(ドイツ)
2016-18 PGE TurowZgorzelec(ドイツ)
2018-19 Macau Black Bears (中国)
2019-22 西宮ストークス
2022-   大阪エヴェッサ
I am happy to announce that I have renewed my contract with OSAKA EVESSA and will continue to serve as the head coach for the upcoming season. Renewing my contract with OSAKA EVESSA was an easy decision, as I firmly believe in the potential of this organization and the talent within our team.
Dear fans! Your presence at our games, your cheers from the stands, and your passion on social media platforms truly have made a difference for us. Together, we have celebrated numerous victories and overcome challenges. Let us continue to unite under the banner of OSAKA EVESSA!
As we move forward, our commitment to teamwork, discipline, and hard work will remain at the forefront of our efforts. Your dedication to the team and your relentless energy at every game inspire us to push harder. You are the sixth player on the court, and I am immensely grateful for the energy and motivation you bring to every game.
I also want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the entire organization, from the front office to the coaching staff, and to our exceptional group of players. It is their talent, hard work, and dedication that make our team truly remarkable. I am privileged to work alongside such incredible individuals, and I have no doubt that our collaboration will yield even greater achievements in the future.


プレスリリース提供:PR TIMES
