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  • Hyperithm、企業向けのWeb3インテグレーションツールを開発する「Cascade」に出資


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(PR TIMES) 2023年11月03日(金)23時40分配信 PR TIMES

[画像1: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/79365/57/79365-57-a71327f47a17be6df1b21a82377254a1-1920x1080.png ]




[画像2: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/79365/57/79365-57-ea6eb1848d4af8a53d77851bb459490c-454x140.png ]


Cascade CEO Iryna Kryvda氏のコメント


Hyperithm CEO ロイド・リーのコメント

今回Cascade社のPre-Seed Roundに参画させて頂いたことを光栄に思います。

Hyperithm Groupについて

Hyperithmは2018年1月の創業以来、日本と韓国を拠点に機関投資家などを対象とした暗号資産のウェルスマネジメント事業を展開しています。日本においては、適格機関投資家等特例業務の届出を、韓国においては日本の暗号資産交換業に相当する暗号資産事業者の届出を完了しています。2022年3月には、シリーズBのブリッジラウンドにてCoinbase Venturesより資金調達を行いました。2022年5月からは適格機関投資家等特例業務に基づく国内初ビットコイン建てのファンドを運用開始しています。また、2022年6月には、Web3のエコシステムの活性化を目的とした、Web3ファンドを組成し活発に投資を行っています。

代表者:代表取締役 Lloyd Lee(李 俊)
本社所在地:東京都千代田区大手町1-6-1 大手町ビル4階 FINOLAB内

Hyperithm Invests in “Cascade”, an Enterprise-Grade Integration Platform for Web3

Hyperithm Group has invested in “Cascade”, an Enterprise-grade web3 integration platform.

About Cascade
Cascade Platform is a unified integration platform as a service (iPaas) for building, deploying, and managing next-generation business process workflows. Cascade provides an extensible and flexible platform, allowing enterprises to build, deploy, manage, and monitor their business processes and integrations in one place, thus saving valuable time and resources. The platform supports all the modern Cloud/Serverless and common Enterprise IT standards, as well as Generative AI and Web3 to support your LLM-powered applications, web3/dApps, and Cloud application needs through a single platform.

For more information, visit: http://www.cascadelive.co/

Iryna Kryvda, CEO of Cascade's Comment
At Cascade, our mission is to empower businesses to thrive in an ever-evolving digital landscape, allowing them to stay ahead in a dynamic business environment. We are thrilled to partner with Hyperithm to help businesses effortlessly navigate their digital transformation.

Lloyd Lee, CEO of Hyperithm's Comment
We are honored to participate in Cascade's Pre-Seed Round.
We believe that Cascade's integrated middleware stack will help bridge the gap between web2 and web3 and promote mass adoption.
We will do our best to help more companies easily participate in web3.

About Hyperithm Group
Since the foundation in 2018, Hyperithm, operating from Japan and Korea, has been heavily involved in developing its crypto asset wealth management business for an array of institutional investors as well as others. March 2022 marked another major milestone as Hyperithm completed a Series B bridge round funding from Coinbase Ventures. In May 2022, the company began managing Japan's first Bitcoin-denominated fund under the Qualified Institutional Investors Exemption Program. In June 2022, we established a Web3 ecosystem fund with the aim of revitalizing the Web3 ecosystem, and have been actively investing in promising projects that seek to positively contribute to the growth of Web3.

For more information visit: https://hyperithm.jp

プレスリリース提供:PR TIMES
