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  • 社会・企業で求められる英語力について「学ぶ英語から使える英語へ」 iU専任教員が講演


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学校法人電子学園 iU 情報経営イノベーション専門職大学

社会・企業で求められる英語力について「学ぶ英語から使える英語へ」 iU専任教員が講演

(PR TIMES) 2021年09月24日(金)16時45分配信 PR TIMES

社会・企業で求められる英語力について 「学ぶ英語から使える英語へ」 iU専任教員が、ELPA(特定非営利活動法人 英語運用能力評価協会)の教育セミナーにて講演します。





14:30〜14:40 趣旨説明(ELPA)
14:40〜15:30 講演
15:30〜16:00 質疑応答、アンケート依頼 終了後、講師との懇親も可能


100名先着 (定員になり次第または前日の13時までで締め切り)


オンラインによる参加(申し込み後、ELPAよりZoom URLの送付)

[画像: https://prtimes.jp/i/61260/54/resize/d61260-54-fa82dc5ed5ea302eaee9-0.jpg ]


A teacher of iU gives a lecture on English ability required in society and companies: A bridge between English for learning and Engish for commnication

A teacher of iU gives a lecture on English ability required in society and companies titled “A bridge between English for learning and English for communication at the ELPA (Association for English Language Proficiency Assessment) seminar.

This lecture will provide an opportunity to create bridges between high schools, universities, and companies. In particular, we discuss how English education at a professional university should be executed for students who learned English from elementary to senior high schools.

【Date & Time】
October 2nd, 2021, 2:30 p.m.〜4:00 p.m. (Available to login 15 minutes before the start)
2:30〜2:40 Introduction(by ELPA)
2:40〜3:30 Lecture
3:30〜4:00 Q and A、Questionnaire from ELPA (Available to contact lecturer after the end)
【Participating Capacity】
100 persons (Closed as the first 100 persons’ subscribe or at 1:00 p.m. on Oct. 1st)
By accessing Peatix(Free of charge)https://elpa-seminar-20211002.peatix.com
Webinar(Zoom ID and PC are provided after the subscription)
【Lecturer Introduction】
OKUMURA Koichi, Senior Lecturer, Ph.D. TESOL Expert
Okumura Koichi is a TESON expert and a senior lecturer in iU. Okumura teaches in English Core Skills I & II classes for freshmen based on his experience in teaching at public junior high schools approximately for 30 years and the theory of second language acquisition. Okumura primarily co-published three books; A Grammar-integrated Focus on Form Approach, English Acquisition through Tasks and Projects, and Kuwashii Chugaku Eibunpo [Reference Book on Junior High Level English Grammar]

プレスリリース提供:PR TIMES
