[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/79365/50/resize/d79365-50-85a45d753918a9dc28d2-0.png ]
HomeDAOは2022年11月にOxford Crypto Village(以下、OCV)を立ち上げました。OCVはリアルを重視したコミュニティで、Web3の創設者に常設のハッカーハウスでの年間の居住権を提供します。それは、Web3ビルダーやファウンダー向けのホグワーツ魔法魔術学校のようなものです。ハッカーハウスでの生活がもたらす没頭と協調という複合的なメリットを活用することで、HomeDAOは継続的なイノベーションとコラボレーションの環境を育成します。
HomeDAOはまた、研究開発ハブとしても人気を集めています。現在までにメンバーは、ETH CCやETH Denver、ETH Vietnam、ETH Beijing、ETH Tokyo、ETH Amsterdam、ETH Bogotaなど、参加したすべてのハッカソンで主要な賞に輝いています。直近では、パリで行われたETH CCで、ETHグローバル・プロジェクト史上最大に話題になっているプロジェクトにOCVのメンバーであるZK Microphone(参照:https://x.com/zkmicrophone)が選ばれました。
[画像2: https://prtimes.jp/i/79365/50/resize/d79365-50-fba3f8ee653759a8dcae-1.png ]
HomeDAO Founder Josh Lavorini氏のコメント
Hyperithm CEO ロイド・リーのコメント
Hyperithm Groupについて
Hyperithmは2018年1月の創業以来、日本と韓国を拠点に機関投資家などを対象とした暗号資産のウェルスマネジメント事業を展開しています。日本においては、適格機関投資家等特例業務の届出を、韓国においては日本の暗号資産交換業に相当する暗号資産事業者の届出を完了しています。2022年3月には、シリーズBのブリッジラウンドにてCoinbase Venturesより資金調達を行いました。2022年5月からは適格機関投資家等特例業務に基づく国内初ビットコイン建てのファンドを運用開始しています。また、2022年6月には、Web3のエコシステムの活性化を目的とした、Web3ファンドを組成し活発に投資を行っています。
代表者:代表取締役 Lloyd Lee(李 俊)
本社所在地:東京都千代田区大手町1-6-1 大手町ビル4階 FINOLAB内
Hyperithm Invests in “HomeDAO,” a Global Hacker House Movement Started Out in Oxford.
Hyperithm has invested in “HomeDAO,” a global hacker house movement started out in Oxford.
About HomeDAO
HomeDAO launched nine months ago in November 2022 with The Oxford Crypto Village (OCV), a physical community offering year-round residency in permanent hacker houses to web3 founders. Think Hogwarts, but for builders and entrepreneurs in crypto. By leveraging the compounding benefits of immersion and coordination that living in a hacker house provides, HomeDAO fosters an environment of continuous innovation and collaboration.
In just a matter of months, HomeDAO members have flourished, exceeding expectations: the OCV already has 6 venture-backed startups under its roof, many funded by leading investors including Geometry, 7%, 1kx, Lattice, Maven11 and Pragma, as well as legendary angel investor Charlie Songhurst. Projects originating in the OCV demonstrate a huge breadth of creativity, from novel AMM design to hardware innovation, gaming and insurance to modular account abstraction and zero-knowledge projects.
HomeDAO is also gaining traction as an R&D hub: to date, members have won the main prize at every hackathon attended, including ETH CC, ETH Denver, ETH Vietnam, ETH Beijing, ETH Tokyo, ETH Amsterdam and ETH Bogota. Their most recent win came at ETH CC in Paris, with ZK Microphone ( https://x.com/zkmicrophone ), the most viral ETH Global project ever.
HomeDAO will invest in and assist member companies at every stage, and continue to build infrastructure and processes to provide full-stack support to all of its members. HomeDAO’s expansion to London is already underway, and will soon expand to Cambridge, uniting the UK’s ‘golden triangle’ of innovation.
HomeDAO members commented:
“Throughout my university years, I was always on the lookout for ambitious people who were serious about starting companies. Since living in HomeDAO, I've met many more of these people than I ever did at university. Not just that, but these are now the people I can talk to at 9pm on a Sunday evening and count on for honest feedback on my ideas and hard-to-get startup advice. When I first met Josh about a year ago, HomeDAO was just an idea on a napkin. The team were relentless, sticking to his vision and working tirelessly to build HomeDAO from the ground up, rooted in first principles - there’s nothing like it anywhere else. Today it's a vibrant hub where some of the most exciting web3 projects are being kicked off.” - Alex Cheema, founder of ZK microphone
“HomeDAO is one of the most interesting projects I have had the pleasure of being a part of. The addition of a physical layer to a largely digital space provides an unparalleled opportunity for coordination. The results speak for themselves, with a high number of projects emerging from the community that are currently driving the crypto space forward. HomeDAO’s role as a coordinator of this community cannot be understated, it has been a very valuable catalyst for the development and execution of the ideas of all those involved.” - Orland0x, smart contract engineer at Snapshot Labs and Governance Council at Starkware
For more information, visit: https://home-dao.com/
X (Twitter) link: https://x.com/homedao_live
Josh Lavorini, Founder of HomeDAO’s Comment
We are delighted to be partnering with Hyperithm as we prepare for our next phase of growth. Their expertise and strategic positioning will help HomeDAO members and HomeDAO itself to grow alongside the huge opportunities of the Asian market.
Lloyd Lee, CEO of Hyperithm’s Comment
We are seeing more and more Web3 projects emerging from university student groups and accelerators, such as those from Stanford, Berkeley, and Yale. Given the growing number of exciting projects that are coming out of people from these globally renowned institutions, we feel that HomeDAO is perfectly placed to help generate and nurture promising projects out of Oxford, which hosts a world-class academic institution: Oxford University.
About Hyperithm Group
Since its foundation in 2018, Hyperithm, operating from Japan and Korea, has been heavily involved in developing its crypto asset wealth management business for an array of institutional investors as well as others. March 2022 marked another major milestone as Hyperithm completed a Series B bridge round funding from Coinbase Ventures. In May 2022, the company began managing Japan's first Bitcoin-denominated fund under the Qualified Institutional Investors Exemption Program. In June 2022, we established a Web3 ecosystem fund with the aim of revitalizing the Web3 ecosystem and have been actively investing in promising projects that seek to positively contribute to the growth of Web3.
For more information, visit: https://hyperithm.jp
プレスリリース提供:PR TIMES