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  • 食特化型ふるさと納税サイト「もぐふる(TM)」、在留外国人のふるさと納税活用促進のため、多言語対応を開始<English Follows>


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食特化型ふるさと納税サイト「もぐふる(TM)」、在留外国人のふるさと納税活用促進のため、多言語対応を開始<English Follows>

(PR TIMES) 2023年09月28日(木)16時15分配信 PR TIMES

〜 ふるさと納税サイトを通じて、まだ知らない日本各地の魅力を在留外国人にも発信 〜

国際的に“食”のネットワークを構築し、世界45拠点でアジア食品・食材を中心とした卸売事業を展開する西本Wismettac(ウィズメタック)ホールディングス株式会社(本社:東京都中央区、代表取締役会長 CEO:洲崎 良朗、以下「Wismettacグループ」)は、2023年9月29日12時に、食特化型のふるさと納税サイト「もぐふる(TM)」(https://mogufull.jp/)の多言語対応を開始いたします。対応言語は英語・中国語で、ふるさと納税を活用したい在留外国人の方がより利用しやすいサービスの提供を実現します。
[画像1: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/90251/45/90251-45-da11125503b9715b0607bb8232cc6a75-3000x1359.png ]


[画像2: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/90251/45/90251-45-550e9e789410583e606af4346f9584c4-3900x1788.png ]






[画像9: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/90251/45/90251-45-1afe7f515b9acde14e1a6496fe795f13-1125x926.png ]

[画像10: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/90251/45/90251-45-e1343c6333d5f6e5a32f91a755c377ff-754x481.png ]

[画像11: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/90251/45/90251-45-b72602a69128d1262cf9d64237cec10a-1041x352.png ]

※1:令和5年3月時点。出入国在留管理庁. 「令和4年末現在における在留外国人数について」. ふるさと納税対象者以外の人数も含む。https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/publications/press/13_00033.html , (参照 2023-09-11)

[画像12: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/90251/45/90251-45-1b9aa36a1dc64dd53b2bc6ad0c8d41cf-402x138.png ]





代表者:代表取締役会長 CEO 洲崎 良朗
(コード番号 9260 東京証券取引所プライム市場)
本 社:東京都中央区日本橋室町三丁目2番1号 日本橋室町三井タワー15階
創 業:1912年5月

TEL: 03-6870-2015

[English Follows]
Food-specialized Furusato Nozei website, “MOGUFULL(TM)” supports multiple languages to encourage enrollment for foreign residents
To deliver the charms of municipalities of Japan to foreign residents
[画像7: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/90251/45/90251-45-6c1b6c732302fd642536ba54fd7f7b2d-3000x1359.png ]

Tokyo, Japan, September 28, 2023-Nishimoto Co., Ltd., leading wholesaler centering on Asian food products and ingredients in 45 locations around the world having international food network will start providing multilingual support for the food-specific Furusato Nozei (Hometown tax donation program) website "MOGUFULL(TM)" on September 29, 2023 at 12:00 p.m. The supported languages include English and Chinese, making the service more accessible to foreign residents who wish to utilize the Furusato Nozei.


The number of foreign residents in Japan exceeded three million*1 as of the end of 2022, the highest number ever recorded. Not only Japanese but also foreign residents are eligible to pay Furusato Nozei if they have paid resident tax and income tax in Japan, but the number of Furusato Nozei sites that support foreign languages is currently limited. Therefore, we believe that the purpose of the system, the procedures, and the attractiveness of the region and the returned goods may not be sufficiently communicated to consumers whose native language is not Japanese or who are not familiar with the Furusato Nozei. Then, "MOGUFULL(TM)" is launching this service to provide foreign residents with the opportunity to experience the attractiveness of various regions by introducing Japanese food through Furusato Nozei.

▼About Furusato Nozei (Hometown tax donation program)
Furusato Nozei (or Hometown tax donation program) is a tax reduction program in which taxpayers make donations to local governments. The concept of Furusato Nozei is to support the development of smaller or less-funded municipalities.

■ Multilingual Supported Features
[画像8: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/90251/45/90251-45-5d781ab2d29455fbc6d865e3a440ca1c-1921x881.png ]

1)Multilingual friendly of Website menu and contents <English and Simplified Chinese>
Information posted on this site is offered in English and Simplified Chinese*2. Contents such as explanations of the Furusato Nozei system, its procedures, local government donation use, and introductions of gift of thanks are available in a familiar language. You will also receive a post-donation information email in the language you selected at the time of donation, allowing you to check whether your application has been completed successfully.

2)Special Features page to explain Furusato Nozei system and introduce recommended gift of thanks <English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese>
We will provide an overview of the Furusato Nozei system, steps to donations, recommended gift of thanks and municipalities. We plan to update our contents accordingly.

3)Seminars to introduce regional issues and initiatives in Japan <English>
We are planning to hold seminars in English to explain the purpose of the Furusato Nozei system as well as issues and initiatives of regions in Japan, creating an opportunity for people to get to know the region in depth.

4) Responding to inquiries from the Contact Form <English>
For any questions you may have on the MOGFULL site, such as usage of the "Deduction Simulator”, member registration, we have set up a contact form that will be answered in English.

*<> indicate supported languages

▼Webpage Image
Website Top Page (English Ver.)
[画像9: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/90251/45/90251-45-1afe7f515b9acde14e1a6496fe795f13-1125x926.png ]

Gift of Thanks Page (Chinese Ver.*3)
[画像10: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/90251/45/90251-45-e1343c6333d5f6e5a32f91a755c377ff-754x481.png ]

Furusato Nozei Explanation/Recommended Gift of Thanks Page (English Ver.)
[画像11: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/90251/45/90251-45-b72602a69128d1262cf9d64237cec10a-1041x352.png ]

*1: March 2020. Immigration Services Agency. “About the number of foreign residents as of the end of 2020.” Includes people who are not eligible for Furusato Nozei payments. https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/publications/press/13_00033.html , (Reference 2023-09-11)
*2: Recommended gift of thanks page is an automated translation from the original Japanese website.
*3: Gift of thanks page is available in Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese

■Furusato Nozei (hometown tax) Website "MOGUFULL"
”MOGUFULL(TM)"*4 is a Furusato Nozei (hometown tax) website that offers food-specialized gift of thanks (return gifts) under the concept of "delicious goods from hometown to all over Japan and to the world." While diving deeply into local food and its charms, we hope to discover new possibilities in food culture, history, and passion of manufacturers etc. We hope to deliver those possibilities so that more people will enjoy taste and mind of ”hometown“. With the intention of municipalities and donors to progress toward local development and resolve social issues, MOGUFULL holds seminars and events to create opportunities for municipalities and supporters to interact.
[画像12: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/90251/45/90251-45-1b9aa36a1dc64dd53b2bc6ad0c8d41cf-402x138.png ]

*4: “もぐふる”(translated as MOGUFULL in English) is currently applying for a trademark, and
“もぐふる” official mascot character is currently applying for graphic trademark.

■Customer Support
MOGUFULL Customer Support
TEL:03-6870-2170 (10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays)

*This contact is only responded in Japanese. For any responses in English, please contact from the contact form.
*This contact does not accept requests for cancellations or changes of the delivery address after a donation application has been submitted.
*This customer support is located within Wismettac Foods Co., Ltd., a domestic subsidiary of Nishimoto Co., Ltd. and the operating company of "MOGUFULL".

■Company Overview
Company:Nishimoto Co., Ltd.
CEO: Yoshiro Susaki
Head Office: 〒103-0022 15th Floor, Nihonbashi Muromachi Mitsui Tower, 3-2-1, Nihonbashi Muromachi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Established: May, 1912
Business Details:
-Development and sale of Asian food worldwide (Asian Food Global Business)
-Importation and sale of fruit, vegetables and related processed products, and supply of food ingredients to food manufacturers and the restaurant sector (Agricultural & Seafood Products Trading Business)
-Domestic and overseas sales of other products (Amenity food etc.)
Website: https://www.wismettac.com/en/index.html

プレスリリース提供:PR TIMES
