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  • フォルクスワーゲン主導の研究チームが、初めてバッテリーの複数回リサイクルに着手


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(PR TIMES) 2022年06月13日(月)17時45分配信 PR TIMES


ウォルフスブルグ、2022年6月8日 - 産業界および科学界のパートナーは、駆動用バッテリーの最も貴重なコンポーネントを、リサイクルを通じて複数回連続して回収・再利用できることを共同で証明したいと考えています。「HVBatCycle」共同研究チームは、クローズド マテリアル サイクル(クローズドループ)により、陰極金属、電解質、グラファイトを恒久的に利用することを目標に掲げています。フォルクスワーゲングループ主導の下、TANIOBIS GmbH*、J. Schmalz GmbH、Viscom AGの各企業が、アーヘン工科大学、ブラウンシュヴァイク工科大学、フラウンホーファーIST(Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films)の研究者と協力し、必要なプロセスの研究と開発を3年間にわたって行います。このプロジェクトには、ドイツ連邦経済・気候保護省から資金が提供されています。
* JX金属のグループ会社

[画像: https://prtimes.jp/i/58804/41/resize/d58804-41-89b4dd1e34e7da65678f-0.jpg ]

政務官、ミヒャエル ケルナー:「ヨーロッパにおけるバッテリー生産は、可能な限り多くの分野で持続可能性に焦点を当ることによってのみ、成功させることができるでしょう。持続可能なバッテリーは、高い環境および社会基準に従ったエネルギーおよびモビリティ転換にとって不可欠な要素です。」

フォルクスワーゲンAGバッテリーセル担当最高執行責任者(COO)のセバスティアン ウォルフは、次のように説明しています。「バッテリーのリサイクルと再利用は、現在計画されている工場に安定的に原材料を供給する上で、決定的に重要な役割を果たします。リサイクルプロセスを総体的な視点から捉えた“HVBatCycle”プロジェクトを通じて、私たちはバッテリー原材料のクローズドループを実現するための準備を整えています。」







グラファイトおよびバッテリー金属を包含する「黒い塊(black mass)」と呼ばれる物質を処理する次の湿式製錬では、水および化学溶剤を使用して金属成分をとかし、その溶液から早期かつ選択的にリチウムを採取し、そこに含まれている金属成分を、混合水酸化物濃縮物として浸出、沈殿、精製する方法に焦点が当てられています。このプロセスでは、陰極活物質の再生材料合成に関連して、新しい完全に高性能なカソード材料を製造するために、金属化合物の分離が本当に必要かどうかが調査されます。

電解質とグラファイトの処理に関する研究では、適切なプロセスの開発を通じて、重要な電解質成分とグラファイトが効率的に処理され、バッテリーセルの生産に適した品質で再利用できることを示すことを意図しています。すべてのプロセス段階では、環境への影響および経済的なライフサイクルに対する総体的な 分析が行われます。

About the cooperation partners:
As part of its battery strategy and its sustainability strategy, Volkswagen AG is very interested in the realisation of a closed loop of cell materials and has therefore taken on the coordination and management of the project. With the pilot plant for mechanical recycling at the Salzgitter components site, the Group’s Technology division ensures the production and supply of recyclable material from vehicle batteries. In addition, the cell manufacturing expertise of the Centre of Excellence in Salzgitter is used to produce new cells from fully recycled material.

TANIOBIS GmbH is a quality supplier of powders containing niobium and tantalum for hydrometallurgical manufacturing processes including solvent extraction. As a subsidiary of JX Nippon Mining & Metals, it has in-depth knowledge of hydrometallurgical recycling of lithium-ion batteries, which will be used in the project. Based on this, TANIOBIS GmbH will build and operate the required hydrometallurgical and pyrometallurgical infrastructure at the Chemiepark Oker site, where a certified analytical laboratory is also available.

J. Schmalz GmbH is the world’s leading supplier of vacuum technology and one of the few full-range suppliers in this field. In the vacuum automation business segment, Schmalz supplies all the vacuum components needed to assemble grippers for industrial robots. In addition, sensor technology from Schmalz ensures process efficiency and safety. In joint projects with scientific institutes, handling systems for silicon wafers and cathode and anode foils were established.

Viscom AG develops X-ray measurement solutions specifically for use in the battery cell industry. The product portfolio ranges from laboratory systems to complete inline solutions for 100% quality control at high speeds. Viscom specialises in a variety of different cell formats, such as pouch or prismatic cells, covering different sizes for consumer products through energy storage to e-mobility cells.

The Battery LabFactory Braunschweig (BLB), as an established transdisciplinary research centre of the TU Braunschweig, is one of the leading institutions in the field of battery research in Germany. The BLB is an R & D platform for circular production, diagnostics and modelling/simulation of batteries of the current and future generations. In its pilot plant, the BLB combines engineering process know-how, materials science expertise, battery cell system knowledge from the natural sciences and sound analytical skills.

The Institute of Machine Tools and Production Technology (IWF) focuses on technological and automation issues along current and future manufacturing process chains for battery cells.

The elenia Institute for High Voltage Technology and Power Systems has extensive experience in the field of formation, cyclic ageing and the electrical and electrochemical characterisation of battery cells.

At the Institute for Particle Technology (iPAT), mechanical and particle technology processes for the production of battery materials and electrodes as well as mechanical and thermal processes for battery recycling are investigated.

The Institute of Chemical and Thermal Process Engineering (ICTV) has broad expertise in the separation of fluid mixtures.

The Institute of Energy and Process Systems Engineering (InES) has many years of experience in the modelling and simulation of batteries as well as electrochemical analysis and operando analytics.

The Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films (IST) conducts intensive research and development in the areas of material synthesis and functionalisation, surface treatment and
modification, film production and application, film characterisation and surface analysis, as well as in the field of production technology. As a central topic at the Fraunhofer Project Center for Energy Storage and Management Systems (ZESS), battery research focuses on material and energy storage development, including associated process and manufacturing technologies as well as the holistic and sustainable design of the life cycle.

The Institute for Metallurgical Process Engineering and Metal Recycling (IME) at RWTH Aachen University has many years of experience in application-oriented research into battery recycling processes. The research focus here is on recovering the valuable metals contained in batteries using thermal and hydrometallurgical processes. The institute has a comprehensive infrastructure for testing various recycling concepts, which also includes an innovative pyrolysis furnace from Otto Junker GmbH for processing larger quantities or entire battery modules. Through its in-house certified laboratory, the IME has access to many important analytical methods that are needed in the investigation of possible battery recycling processes.

プレスリリース提供:PR TIMES
