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  • 【データ保護対応を支援】法律事務所ZeLoが個人情報保護法やGDPRに関するサポート体制を強化


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(PR TIMES) 2022年05月26日(木)12時15分配信 PR TIMES


法律事務所ZeLo・外国法共同事業(所在地:東京都江東区、代表弁護士:小笠原匡隆、以下「法律事務所ZeLo」https://zelojapan.com/) は、「データ保護」分野の提供範囲を拡充し、個人情報保護法やGDPRに関するサポート体制を強化したことをお知らせいたします。海外資格を持つ弁護士が、現地の言語や法令に応じて、貴社のビジネスに合わせた支援を行います。お問い合わせなどの詳細は、当事務所ウェブサイト(https://zelojapan.com/practice/19972)をご覧ください。
[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/56380/20/resize/d56380-20-f3b1064e70a32543bf98-15.jpg ]

ZeLo, a Foreign Law Joint Enterprise (located in Koto-city, Tokyo, representative attorney; Masataka Ogasawara. “ZeLo”, https://zelojapan.com/ ) is pleased to announce that it has expanded its scope of services in the area of "data protection" and strengthened its support regarding the Act on the Protection of Personal Information of Japan and GDPR. Our attorneys with overseas qualifications will provide assistance tailored to your business according to your local language and laws. For more information, including inquiries, please visit our website ( https://zelojapan.com/practice/19972 ).

データ保護を取り巻く社会背景/Background Surrounding Data Protection


グローバルにビジネスを展開する場合、取引先や提供先の地域のデータ保護規則にも留意が必要です。たとえば、世界で最も厳格に定められたデータ保護規則とされるGDPR(General Data Protection Regulation:一般データ保護規則)では、EEA(European Economic Area:欧州経済領域)域内の個人データをEEA域外に移転する際のルールなどが定められています。

GDPRは比較的最近施行された法令であり、定期的にアップデートが重ねられています。2021年6月に欧州委員会が発表したSCC(Standard Contractual Clauses:標準契約条項)の改定により、個人データの取扱いがさらに厳格化されました。適切な保護措置(GDPR46条)に依拠したデータ移転を実施している日本企業は、2022年12月27日までに新SCCに基づく契約締結などのアップデートや義務の遵守が求められます。


2022 is a year of major changes in the handling of personal information, both domestically and internationally. The revised Act on the Protection of Personal Information of Japan, which took effect in April 2022, covers six main topics tied to objectives such as "strengthening the protection and utilization of individual rights and interests," "responding to new risks associated with increased cross-border data distribution," and "adapting to the AI and Big Data era”.

When doing business globally, it is necessary to observe foreign data protection regulations of the jurisdictions where the business is conducted. For example, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is considered to be the world's most stringent data protection regulation, sets forth rules for the transfer of personal data outside of the European Economic Area (EEA).

The GDPR is quite recent and its rights and obligations are regularly being further specified and updated. In June 2021, the European Commission announced revisions to the Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) that will further tighten the handling of personal data. Some Japanese companies processing data from the EEA may be required to implement the new SCC by December 27, 2022 at the latest and comply with the relevant obligations.

Furthermore, companies face increased risks, such as significant loss of trust in case of information leaks or fines for non-compliance with their GDPR obligations.

To prevent such risks, it is necessary for companies not only to consider using external security tools, but also to establish an appropriate internal system in accordance with domestic and international rules, such as the Act on the Protection of Personal Information of Japan and GDPR, with the advice of experts. Therefore, ZeLo has strengthened its support in the field of "data protection" and qualified experts in Japan and abroad are available to support your business.
For more information, please refer to this page ( https://zelojapan.com/practice/19972 ).

法律事務所ZeLoで対応可能な業務/Services Available at ZeLo



ZeLo has a team of attorneys with extensive experience in data protection, both in Japan and abroad, to provide support. In addition to the services provided by qualified foreign lawyers (English, Indonesian, French), we can also collaborate with local law firms overseas as needed. Our experience ranges from start-ups to small, medium, and listed companies, and we can provide prompt, high-quality services tailored to the size and business scheme of the company.

・Legal research and legal advice on the use of personal data and data protection
・Preparation and review of privacy policies, cookie policies, personal information management rules, and other rules and regulations
・Responding to information security incidents
For more information, please refer to this page ( https://zelojapan.com/practice/19972 ).

担当メンバーよりメッセージ/Message from the member in charge

ジャンジャック 誠 ジャッカー スイス弁護士(日本では未登録)
Jean-Jacques Makoto Jaccard Swiss Lawyer (Not admitted in Japan)

[画像2: https://prtimes.jp/i/56380/20/resize/d56380-20-5318b3bef62a788d1836-18.png ]

[画像3: https://prtimes.jp/i/56380/20/resize/d56380-20-dd08cc07aa82af6b7156-19.png ]

塚本 菜那子 弁護士(第二東京弁護士会所属)
Nanako Tsukamoto Attorney-at-law, admitted in Japan
[画像4: https://prtimes.jp/i/56380/20/resize/d56380-20-63f4e12f133ab7ddbd17-16.png ]

[画像5: https://prtimes.jp/i/56380/20/resize/d56380-20-143ad4edc575f0e5f971-17.png ]

専門家による解説ウェビナーを配信/Webinar information


・タイトル:専門家に学ぶGDPRの基本 2022年末に向けた新標準契約条項(SCC)の必須対応
・講師:ジャンジャック 誠 ジャッカー スイス弁護士(日本では未登録)
・お申込みページ: https://legalforce-cloud.com/seminar/140

ZeLo will hold a seminar on data protection. If you would like to know basic information on this topic and hear specialist explanations, please register and join us.

・Seminar title: The Basics of GDPR and Basics from the Specialists Mandatory New Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) by the end of 2022.
・Speaker: Jean-Jacques Makoto Jaccard, Swiss qualified lawyer (Not admitted in Japan)
・Seminar date: Tuesday, May 31, 2022, 2:00pm to 3:15pm
・Register: https://legalforce-cloud.com/seminar/140
・Language: Japanese

[画像6: https://prtimes.jp/i/56380/20/resize/d56380-20-dd475a20ea2169713371-3.jpg ]

・講師:塚本 菜那子 弁護士(第二東京弁護士会所属)ほか
・お申込みページ: https://legalforce-cloud.com/seminar/139

・Seminar title: Summary webinar on essential responses in accordance with the amendment (Act on the Protection of Personal Information of Japan, Whistleblower Protection Act, Power Harassment Prevention Act, and Electronic Book Act)
・Speaker: Nanako Tsukamoto and other ZeLo’s attorney
・Register: https://legalforce-cloud.com/seminar/139

[画像7: https://prtimes.jp/i/56380/20/resize/d56380-20-28655727277e414e3cb2-4.jpg ]

「データ保護対応に関するご相談会」を実施/Advice on data protection




ZeLo advises on data protection.

Audiences might be interested
・those who are working at the corporate legal department
・those who are planning or considering overseas business expansion
・hose who are working at the company with overseas group company
・those who have concerns about the Act on the Protection of Personal Information of Japan or GDPR

[画像8: https://prtimes.jp/i/56380/20/resize/d56380-20-a925d4c155d11a9bab1a-5.png ]

法律事務所ZeLo・外国法共同事業 概要/About ZeLo

[動画: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYb8e4m53Fs ]

2017年3月に設立された、企業法務専門の法律事務所。「From Zero to Legal Innovation」を掲げ、スタートアップから中小・上場企業まで、企業法務の幅広い領域でリーガルサービスを提供している。AI契約審査プラットフォームなどを開発する株式会社LegalForceと共に創業されており、リーガルテックやITツールを積極的に業務に取り入れ、企業の経営と事業の成長をサポートする。グループファームであるZeLo FAS株式会社と税理士法人ZeLoと連携し、M&Aやファイナンスなどにも強みを有する。

ZeLo was founded in 2017 by two lawyers from one of the largest corporate law firms in Japan. ZeLo has represented many startups and other companies. ZeLo leverages the AI contract review technology “LegalForce” and also uses convenient client communication tools. In collaboration with “ZeLo FAS, Inc.” and “ZeLo Tax Co.”, we also have strengths in M&A and financing.

所在地:〒135-0061 東京都江東区豊洲三丁目2番20号 豊洲フロント6階
代表弁護士:小笠原 匡隆
最先端の法務メディア「ZeLo LAW SQUARE」:https://zelojapan.com/lawsquare

Twitter: https://twitter.com/zelo_law
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zelojapan
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zelojapan/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/zelojapan/

プレスリリース提供:PR TIMES
