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  • Japan Innovation Network(JIN)と米国競争力評議会(CoC) が日米の画期的な民間セクターパートナーシップを発表


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一般社団法人Japan Innovation Network

Japan Innovation Network(JIN)と米国競争力評議会(CoC) が日米の画期的な民間セクターパートナーシップを発表

(PR TIMES) 2022年06月02日(木)11時15分配信 PR TIMES


昨年4 月に発足した日米競争力・強靭性(コア)パートナーシップの成功を受けて、一般社団法人Japan Innovation Network(以下、JIN)と米国競争力評議会 (以下、CoC)は本日、「イノベーションと競争力に関する日米委員会」(The U.S.-Japan Commission on Innovation and Competitiveness)の設立を発表いたしました。
[画像: https://prtimes.jp/i/42561/14/resize/d42561-14-8267be2a426ad9dcc93d-2.png ]

同委員会は、日米競争力・強靭性(コア) パートナーシップの目的を推進し、両国の高度な科学技術のエコシステムにおいて、共同研究開発、共同イノベーションイニシアチブ、および新しいビジネスモデルを推進するために設立されました。日米競争力・強靭性(コア) パートナーシップは、世界最大の2つの民主主義経済である日米を結びつけて協力を進め、両国と世界のさらなる繁栄を生み出すための枠組みを提供しています。バイデン大統領と岸田首相は、5月に東京で行われた首脳会談で、日米競争力・強靭性(コア) パートナーシップへのコミットメントを確認しました。

「イノベーションと競争力に関する日米委員会」は、民間セクターと研究機関、学界、研究所などの主要コミュニティのリーダーを集め、競争力、レジリエンス、技術革新・発明、イノベーション、持続性、包括性の原則に基づき相互理解を促進し、パートナーシップの可能性の特定やその実現への道筋をつけることを支援することで、両国間の日米競争力・強靭性(コア) パートナーシップの目標群を昇華し、両国に共通する民主主義の価値観に基づき両国の関係を深めていきます。

CoCのデボラ L. ウィンス-スミス代表とJINの西口尚宏代表理事は、CoCとJIN及び日本政府の内閣府との協議に基づき、バイデン大統領と岸田首相に対し、日米競争力・強靭性(コア) パートナーシップへの両政権のコミットメントに対する賞賛の書簡を提出しました。この書簡の中で、CoCとJINは、「両国の国際競争力、経済・国家の繁栄と安全保障にとって非常に重要なこの野心的課題を達成するために、両政権と協力していく」意向を表明しました。

CoCのデボラ L. ウィンス-スミス代表は、「米国競争力評議会は、長年にわたり、地域、地方、国家レベルに至る米国における民間部門のイノベー ション・アジェンダを定義し形成してきましたが、JINと共同で、 この特徴ある共同委員会を立ち上げることを光栄に思っています。米国経済の幅広い分野にまたがる当協議会のメンバーが、それぞれの経験と能力を提供し、民間部門においてリーダーシップを発揮して日米競争力・強靭性(コア) パートナーシップのアジェンダを推進します」と述べています。

JINの西口尚宏代表理事は、「一般社団法人Japan Innovation Networkは、経済産業省の研究プロジェクトに基づき、「イノベーション国家」の実現に向けて2013年に設立されました。JINは、日本の組織におけるイノベーション・マネジメントシステムの普及や持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)のイノベーション活動による達成を積極的に推進・提案して来ました。我々は、システマティックでクロスボーダーのイノベーション・マネジメントシステムの導入を通じて、両国の民間部門主導のイノベーション活動を推進するために、米国競争力評議会とともにこの委員会をデザインし運営することを光栄に思います」と述べています。


一般社団法人Japan Innovation Network(JIN)について


Breakthrough U.S. and Japan Private Sector Partnership Announced

New Joint Commission will foster science and technology partnerships based on principles of competitiveness, resilience, invention, innovation, sustainability, inclusivity, and shared democratic values

(WASHINGTON D.C.) Building off the success of the U.S.-Japan Competitiveness and Resilience Partnership (CoRe), launched last April, the Council on Competitiveness (Council) and the Japan Innovation Network (JIN) are today announcing a new initiative: The U.S.-Japan Commission on Innovation and Competitiveness.

The Commission is established to promote the objectives of the CoRe Partnership and to advance joint research and development and collaborative innovation initiatives, as well as new business models, across the two nations’ advanced science and technology ecosystems. CoRe provides a framework for U.S. and Japanese collaboration, uniting the world’s two largest democratic economies as they work toward generating greater prosperity in their own nations and around the world. President Biden and Prime Minister Kishida both confirmed their commitment to the CoRe partnership during their recent summit in Tokyo.

The U.S.-Japan Commission on Innovation and Competitiveness will elevate CoRe’s goals across both nations by bringing together leaders from the private sector and key communities, including firms, research institutions, academia, and laboratories to accelerate understanding of each other, and to help identify and provide pathways for potential partnerships based on principles of competitiveness, resilience, invention, innovation, sustainability, and inclusivity. The Commission will anchor the nations’ relationship in their shared democratic values.

Deborah Wince-Smith, President & CEO of the Council, and Hiro Nishiguchi, Chief Executive Officer of the JIN, submitted letters to President Biden and Prime Minister Kishida commending the Administrations’ commitment to the CoRe Partnership based upon multiple discussions among the Cabinet Office of Japan, the Council and JIN, and expressing their intention “to engaging with [the] Administrations to fulfill this ambitious agenda that is so important to our nations’ global competitiveness, and economic and national prosperity and security.”

“The Council on Competitiveness, having long defined and shaped a private sector innovation agenda in the United States – from the local, to the regional, to the national levels – is honored to join with the Japan Innovation Network in launching this distinctive, joint commission. Our Council members, spanning a broad cross section of our economy, are poised to contribute our experience and capabilities, and we will exercise leadership in the private sector to advance the CoRe agenda,” said Deborah L. Wince-Smith, President & CEO of the Council.

“Japan Innovation Network was established in 2013 based on a research project of the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) to transform Japan into an Innovation Nation. As such, JIN has been proactively promoting and bringing forth the concept of the Innovation Management System and achieving Sustainable Development Goals through innovation-based activities among Japanese organizations. We are honored to join with the Council on Competitiveness to design and operate this Commission to advance the private-sector driven innovation agendas in both nations through the implementation of systematic, cross-border, innovation management systems,” said Hiro Nishiguchi, the CEO of JIN.

About the Council on Competitiveness

For more than three decades, the Council has championed a competitiveness agenda for the United States to attract investment and talent and spur the commercialization of new ideas. While the players may have changed since its founding in 1986, the mission remains as vital as ever—to enhance U.S. productivity and raise the standard of living for all Americans.

The members of the Council—CEOs, university presidents, labor leaders and national lab directors—represent a powerful, nonpartisan voice that sets aside politics and seeks results. By providing real-world perspective to policymakers, the Council’s private sector network makes an impact on decision-making across a broad spectrum of issues—from the cutting- edge of science and technology, to the democratization of innovation, to the shift from energy weakness to strength that supports the growing renaissance in U.S. manufacturing. The Council firmly believes that with the right policies, the strengths and potential of the U.S. economy far outweigh the current challenges the nation faces on the path to higher growth and greater opportunity for all Americans.

About the Japan Innovation Network

JIN’s mission is to transform Japan into an Innovation Nation where innovation arises from every organization. Working in tandem with countries across the world, JIN improves the success rate of innovation activities undertaken by Japanese organizations by accelerating employee growth and organizational transformation. JIN is the exclusive National Institution that represents Japan in the technical committee of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for Innovation Management Systems (IMS). In this capacity, JIN takes an active part in managing a national mirror committee and developing international standards, and international negotiations.

As the scheme owner of the ISO 56000 series in Japan, JIN has accumulated many successful cases in IMS Design and Implementation and Innovation Projects with executive, middle and junior managers by exploiting our international network and expertise. JIN firmly believes that every organization needs an excellent innovation management system to unleash the potential of all employees to go through this age of great uncertainty.

団体名:一般社団法人Japan Innovation Network
所在地:東京都千代田区内幸町1-1-1 帝国ホテルタワー8階
代表:西口 尚宏

プレスリリース提供:PR TIMES
