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  • One by One MusicがCES2024に出展!世界最大のテクノロジー展示会


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株式会社One by One Music

One by One MusicがCES2024に出展!世界最大のテクノロジー展示会

(PR TIMES) 2024年01月04日(木)14時45分配信 PR TIMES

グッドデザイン賞New Hope Awardを受賞した株式会社One by One Musicが開発するリラックス音楽が遂にCES2024に出展し海外進出!

全動物のアニマルウェルフェア向上を目指す・株式会社One by One Music(本社:東京都新宿区、代表:畠山 祥)は、JETRO(経済産業省所管)の後援を受け、2024年1月9日から1月12日までラスベガスにて世界最大級のテクノロジー見本市であるCESに出展します。
主要プロダクトである犬向けリラックス音楽「One by One Music」は一週間のお試し期間付きの個人プラン、保護施設や里親の方向けのプラン、法人プランを提供しています。獣医師免許を持った動物福祉の専門家の教授と共同開発し、実験に基づいた音楽を提供しています。当技術は特許申請中です。
ーOne by One Musicについてー
私たちは全動物のアニマルウェルフェア向上を目指すべくペットのためのリラックス音楽(One by One Music)を制作しています。世界初の実験結果/常に新しい音楽の生成/収益を保護活動へを強みとし活動しています。One by One Musicでは、2年をかけ実験を繰り返してきました。


[画像1: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/123753/6/123753-6-5b6a2b6105c7e8d1ce8620e61a283e7e-1920x1080.jpg ]

昨今世界的にもペットの保有率が高くなってきています。その中でも犬が常に最多であり、世界で約5億匹がペットとして存在しています(参考:THE zebra, ”Pet Oenership Statistics”)。中でも今回CESが開催されるアメリカは最大のペット市場があり、犬だけでも6千万匹以上飼われており、年間最低でも990億円がアメリカ国内でペットに対し投じられています。(同記事参考)
加えて、世界全体のPet Tech市場は2022年に約50億ドルまで成長しており、2029年までには120億ドル近くまで成長すると試算されています。(参考:Stats Market Research, "Pet Tech Market Size, Share 2023-2029")。

CES 2024について
[画像2: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/123753/6/123753-6-aa0f8fac7544479b2fa9ebe6d913067f-1224x433.png ]

CES(Consumer Technology Association)
は1967年から毎年開催されている世界最大規模のテクノロジー見本市です。かつては、大手家電メーカーがテレビやオーディオなどを展示する家電ショーでしたが、近年はスタートアップ向けエリア「Eureka Park」が毎年規模を拡充し注目を集めています。
アーリーステージのスタートアップでも、クライテリアが厳しく、近年注目を浴びるスタートアップ専用エリア「Eureka Park(エウレカパーク)」へ出展することで注目度が高まります。さらに、CESが毎年主催するイノベーション・アワードの受賞、主要海外テックメディアに掲載されることで、企業としてのブランド価値を飛躍的に高めることができます。
今回、株式会社One by One MusicはJETRO(経済産業省所管)による審査を通過し、世界に挑戦するスタートアップとして彼らの後援を受けラスベガスにて出展いたします。

今回、株式会社One by One MusicはJETRO(経済産業省所管)様の後援を受け、本展示会に出展します。
[画像3: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/123753/6/123753-6-30abd56fbae48fc479019e62dcd7ec76-676x178.png ]

[画像4: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/123753/6/123753-6-ba3c09bc59f2c3abd0e0062d042e13ae-331x173.png ]

Inter BEE 2023に出展
[画像5: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/123753/6/123753-6-10cda5f4c78a54eaf9105ba059ae030e-1500x494.png ]

株式会社One by One Musicは2023年11月15日から11月17日まで幕張メッセにて行われたInter BEE 2023に出展しました。
Inter BEEとは、歴史と実績に裏づけされた、日本随一の音と映像と通信のプロフェッショナル展として、コンテンツビジネスにかかわる最新のイノベーションが国内外から一堂に会する国際展示会です。

ペット向けの音楽とは? ー人間が生み出した動物の悩みは人間の力で解決すべきという想いからー


[画像6: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/123753/6/123753-6-dc04b02e70374876e27baa5bb87332f3-360x296.png ]

社名:株式会社One by One Music
本社所在地:東京都新宿区代表取締役:畠山 祥
事業内容: 動物向け音楽「One by One Music」の提供
設立: 2023年6月

-About One by One Music-
We create relaxing music for pets (One by One Music) with the aim of improving animal welfare for all animals. Our strengths are the world's first experimental results/constantly generating new music/profits for conservation activities. One by One Music has been experimenting for two years.
The technology and research results here are unprecedented in the world. In addition, the pet tech industry is an industry with great potential not only in Japan but also overseas, and we will use this technology to provide completely new value to the world as a pioneer in "AI x relaxing music for pets". Masu.

Click here to watch a sample.

About the future of the pet market
In recent years, pet ownership has been increasing worldwide. Among them, dogs are always the most common, with approximately 500 million pets in the world (Reference: THE zebra, ``Pet Oenership Statistics''). The United States, where CES will be held, has the largest pet market, with over 60 million dogs alone, and at least 99 billion yen is spent annually on pets in the United States. (Reference to the same article)
In addition, the global Pet Tech market is expected to grow to approximately $5 billion in 2022, and is estimated to grow to nearly $12 billion by 2029. (Reference: Stats Market Research, "Pet Tech Market Size, Share 2023-2029").
In Japan, the market size was approximately 74 billion yen as of 2018, and it is predicted to grow at an accelerating rate to 503 billion yen, an increase of 579% in 2023.
Similar to Fintech, technology can encompass all pet-related markets, so it can be said to be a market with enormous potential, and we will use our unique technology to provide value as a pioneer in relaxing music for pets. I will continue to do so.
About CES 2024

CES (Consumer Technology Association)
is the world's largest technology trade fair, held annually since 1967. It used to be a home appliance show where major home appliance manufacturers exhibited their products such as TVs and audio equipment, but in recent years, the startup area ``Eureka Park'' has been expanding in size every year and attracting attention.
Even early-stage startups have strict criteria, and exhibiting at Eureka Park, an area exclusively for startups that has been attracting attention in recent years, will increase their visibility. Furthermore, by winning the Innovation Award sponsored by CES every year and being featured in major overseas tech media, you can dramatically increase your brand value as a company.
This time, One by One Music Co., Ltd. has passed the screening by JETRO (under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) and will be exhibiting in Las Vegas with their support as a startup challenging the world.
About supporting organizations
This time, One by One Music Co., Ltd. will be exhibiting at this exhibition with the support of JETRO (under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry).
JETRO aims to contribute to the further development of Japan's economy and society through trade and investment promotion and research into developing countries.
With their support, as a startup representing Japan, we will strive to popularize "animal relaxing music," which is a new initiative in the world.

Exhibited at Inter BEE 2023
One by One Music Co., Ltd. exhibited at Inter BEE 2023, which was held at Makuhari Messe from November 15th to November 17th, 2023.
Inter BEE is an international exhibition that brings together the latest innovations related to content business from Japan and abroad, as Japan's premier professional exhibition of sound, video, and communications backed by history and achievements.
What is music for pets? -From the belief that the problems of animals created by humans should be solved by human power-
The reason we are active is because we believe that humans should be the ones to solve the problems that arise when animals and humans coexist. For example, there is a mental illness in which a pet becomes stressed when the pet and owner are separated. This problem requires direct intervention, which cannot be resolved without direct petting or feeding. However, you can only approach your pet indirectly while you are away. Therefore, we use a solution called music to solve these animal problems.

Recruitment of corporate sponsors/request for donations
We also accept sponsors from pet-related businesses that sell pet goods and pet insurance. Through our services, we will solve conservation activities and public relations issues. For more information, please contact us using the form on the website below. We also use a portion of our profits to support conservation activities. If you would like to support our activities, please make a donation.

<Official website>

<Click here if you would like to donate>

【Company Profile】
Company name: One by One Music Co., Ltd.
Head office location: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Representative director: Sho Hatakeyama
Business details: Providing music for animals “One by One Music”
Established: June 2023
HP: https://www.onebyonemusic.com/
Contact: https://www.onebyonemusic.com/%E3%81%8A%E5%95%8F%E5%90%88%E3%81%9B

プレスリリース提供:PR TIMES
