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  • Newsight Tech Angels : PRDM がん遺伝子ターゲティングのリーディングカンパニー ARIZ Precision Medicine 社への出資について


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Newsight Tech Angels : PRDM がん遺伝子ターゲティングのリーディングカンパニー ARIZ Precision Medicine 社への出資について

(PR TIMES) 2023年07月31日(月)19時15分配信 PR TIMES

Newsight Tech Angels 株式会社(本社:東京都中央区日本橋、代表取締役:瀬尾亨、以下「NTA」)は、米国エンジェル投資家も参加する資金調達ラウンドの一員として、ARIZ Precision Medicine社(米国カリフォルニア州デイビス、CEO:Brad Niles博士、以下ARIZ[発音は"アライズ"])に出資したことを報告します。
[画像: https://prtimes.jp/i/110083/5/resize/d110083-5-87c8a9fa0c24240fb1ea-2.jpg ]

ARIZの技術は、特殊なナノ粒子によって治療薬をがん組織に選択的にデリバリーし、正常細胞を傷つけることなく、がん細胞を殺傷することを可能とします。 ARIZの治療標的分子は、PRDMs(Positive Regulatory Domain-containing Methyltransferase)として知られる遺伝子ファミリーです。これらは16種の遺伝子・タンパク質で構
成され、早期がんの遺伝的促進因子として知られています。 ARIZのリード医薬品候補ARIZ-047は、前臨床試験において高い有効性を示しました。in vitro細胞評価系で90%以上のがん細胞殺傷効果を示し、in vivo異種移植モデルでは腫瘍増殖を80%以上減少させました。肺がん治療薬の開発が先行していますが、ARIZの基盤技術は幅広いがん種に対する治療薬を創出することが可能です。

Newsight Tech Angels株式会社:https://ntangels.com/
ARIZ Precision Medicine: https://arizbio.com/

English follows Japanese:
NTA announces investment in ARIZ Precision Medicine, the leading PRDM Oncogene Targeting Company

Newsight Tech Angels Inc. (headquartered in Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo; Toru Seo, CEO; hereinafter “NTA”) announces that it has made an investment in ARIZ Precision Medicine (Davis, California, U.S.A., CEO: Brad Niles, Ph.D.), as part of a funding round that also includes US-based angel investors. ARIZ (Pronounced, “ARISE”) uses nano-technology based systems to deliver the therapeutics to individually target and destroy cancer cells, without harming normal cells. ARIZ’s therapeutic targets are a family of gene targets known as the PRDMs (Positive Regulatory Domain-containing Methyltransferase). ARIZ's lead drug candidate, ARIZ-047, has been tested in preclinical models of cancer, and has been shown to be highly effective in killing cancer cells (>90% cell killing in vitro), as well as achieving a 80% reduction in tumor growth in an in vivo mouse xenograft model. In addition to our drug candidate for lung cancer, ARIZ also has a broad and deep platform from which to develop multiple drug candidates. The 16-member PRDM family of genes and proteins are well recognized as genetic drivers of early cancer.
In addition to our participation in investment, NTA will actively participate as an advisory to ARIZ to facilitate and support their progress in research and development by leveraging our strong drug discovery R&D expertise.
NTA is proud to participate in ARIZ’s success as this is NTA’s sixth investment to an U.S. startup. NTA is one of the few angel investors in Japan that invests in such quality projects in the U.S., and it is NTA’s continuous commitment to explore new opportunities from startups in Japan and abroad. NTA will continue to support Japanese startups in their global expansion through its global network and rich experience and contribute to the creation of a “dynamic ecosystem” that transcends national boundaries.

Newsight Tech Angels Inc.: https://ntangels.com/
ARIZ Precision Medicine: https://arizbio.com/

プレスリリース提供:PR TIMES
