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  • チャータード・グループが前防衛副大臣 中山泰秀氏が新たにベンチャー・パートナーとして加入することを発表


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Chartered Investment Managers Pte Ltd

チャータード・グループが前防衛副大臣 中山泰秀氏が新たにベンチャー・パートナーとして加入することを発表

(PR TIMES) 2022年01月04日(火)12時15分配信 PR TIMES

[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/92778/3/resize/d92778-3-1568d306d9eee4ffb367-0.png ]



チャータード・グループが前防衛副大臣 中山泰秀氏が新たにベンチャー・パートナーとして加入することを発表

中山氏は、「Japan Israel High Tech Ventures Fund」チームのメンバーとして、日本企業とイスラエルのスタートアップ企業との関係をさらに強化するための取り組みにリーダーシップを発揮し、チャータード・グループの投資先企業間の知見を交換する活動や、日本側パートナーとの技術共有プランをサポートします。中山氏の加入により、チャータード・グループの投資実績と日本企業との技術開発を目指したパートナーシップ形成の実績が更に強化され、新たな共同イニシアチブを支援するための資金調達が促進されることで更なる成長の実現が期待されます。中山氏は、2003(平成15)年初当選以来、衆議院議員として活躍し、最近では防衛副大臣を務め、日本とイスラエルの関係強化に重要な役割を果たしてきました。
ファンドのジェネラル・パートナーであり、当グループのエグゼクティブ・ボードの議長であるEyal Agmoni氏は次のように述べています。「中山氏をこのポジションに迎えることができたことを大変嬉しく思います。政治、特に外交と防衛の両方の分野での経験と、日本企業とイスラエルに関する知識、そして機会を正しく把握し、良いパートナーシップを構築しながらイニシアチブを取ることができるという実績に裏打ちされた中山氏の能力は、チャータードグループの従来からの成功をさらに発展させ、当社のファンドと投資先企業にエキサイティングな未来をもたらすでしょう。」
中山泰秀氏は次のように述べています。「現在の時々刻々と変化する環境と、イノベーションや革新的技術へのニーズが以前にも増して高まる中で、日本企業とイスラエルのハイテク企業とのコラボレーションはこれまで以上により重要な意味を持っています。両国の関係を発展させる上で、チャータード・グループに勝るパートナーは他にはありません。私はチャータード・グループのエグゼクティブ・チームに加わり、友人であるEyal Agmoni氏と共に働くことができることを非常に嬉しく思います。」


[画像2: https://prtimes.jp/i/92778/3/resize/d92778-3-1a30ca2a9c82c4433ecd-3.png ]

4 January 2022

Press Release Announcement –

Chartered Group welcomes Mr. Yasuhide Nakayama, former State Minister of Defense, on board as New Venture Partner

Our Executive Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Yasuhide Nakayama, former State Minister of Defense, as our New Venture Partner from January 1st 2022.

As a member of our “Japan Israel High Tech Ventures Fund” team, Mr. Nakayama will provide leadership to our initiatives to further tighten the relationship between Japanese corporations and Israeli startups, to promote knowledge exchange activity across the Chartered Group’s portfolio investments companies, and to support our technology sharing plans with Japanese counter partners. Mr. Nakayama will consolidate our strong track record of investments and partnership with Japanese corporations, and deliver further growth by securing funding to support new collaboration initiatives. He was first elected to the House of Representatives in 2003. Ever since, Mr. Nakayama has had a successful history as member of the House of Representatives with the recent position being former State Minister of Defense, and has played a key part in enhancing the relationship between Japan and Israel.

Before joining our team, Mr. Nakayama was elected to the House of Representatives five times, belonging to the Liberal Democratic Party. During his tenure, in government service he assumed many important positions including State Minister for Foreign Affairs, State Minister of Defense and State Minister of Cabinet Office, and in the legislative body of the House of Representatives, he was assigned to various posts of significant responsibilities such as Chairman of Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives. Starting from November 2021, he took on the position of Special Assistant of Policy Research Council of the Liberal Democratic Party.

Mr. Eyal Agmoni, the fund’s General Partner and Chairman of our group’s Executive Board said, “We are delighted to appoint Nakayama san to this position. His experience in both politics and the administration of defense and the knowledge about Japanese corporations and Israel, combined with his proven ability of identifying opportunities, developing partnerships and leading initiatives, will help to accelerate Chartered Group’s success and deliver an exciting future for our fund and its portfolio companies.”

Mr. Yasuhide Nakayama said, “In the current ever-changing environment and the growing needs for innovation and revolutionary technologies, the collaboration between Japanese corporations and Israel’s high technology companies weighs more than ever. There is no better partner for growing the relationship between two countries than Chartered Group, and I am very excited to join the executive team and work alongside with my friend Mr. Eyal Agmoni”

About Chartered Group

Chartered Group is an innovative global private equity firm providing extraordinary global investment funds and opportunities for a greener and more digitalized world across several disciplines such as Investment Banking, Private Credit, Real Estate & Hospitality and Disruptive Technologies. We are all about exposing our accredited and institutional investors to the most extraordinary global investments and opportunities. As a global private equity firm, we cut through the investment noise to deliver a variety of savvy financial products and services that not only support a greener and more digitalized world but also leverage robust financial returns, with each tailored strategy at a time. To learn more please visit our website https://charteredgroup.com/?lang=ja

プレスリリース提供:PR TIMES
