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(PR TIMES) 2023年07月04日(火)13時45分配信 PR TIMES



[立地企業数※の推移]      ※立地企業数…福岡市進出に際し、本市が何らかの形で支援した企業
[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/48792/93/resize/d48792-93-6720353c5e396bc22377-0.png ]


●コミックスマート(株)、(株)スマレジ、プラチナゲームズ(株) /クリエイティブ関連産業
●Codo Advisory(株) /国際金融
●M-DAQ Japan(株) /国際金融、外国・外資系



Fukuoka Facts データでわかるイイトコ福岡


The number of companies locating to Fukuoka City reached 65 in FY2022, a record high for the second consecutive year. In addition to the trend of post-pandemic development, the city has been driven by the concentration of international financial functions and increase in high-specification office buildings as part of the Tenjin Big Bang and Hakata Connected development projects. Moreover, it was the 10th year in a row where the number of companies locating in the area reached 50 or more.
To further accelerate this momentum, Fukuoka City is focusing on enticing headquarter functions and large-scale development bases by promoting public-private partnerships in the Tokyo metropolitan area and overseas. Fukuoka City aims to create high value-added businesses and attract highly-skilled human resources.
[Changes in number of companies that chose Fukuoka]
[画像2: https://prtimes.jp/i/48792/93/resize/d48792-93-30d492f06832452ac7bf-1.png ]

[Some companies expanding into Fukuoka in 2022]
●COMICSMART INC., Smaregi,Inc., PlatinumGames Inc. / Creative industry
●Codo Advisory,Inc / Global financial business
●M-DAQ Japan K.K. / Global financial business and foreign and foreign-affiliated companies
(A list of companies that have expanded into Fukuoka are available on the official website)
(URL: http://www.city.fukuoka.lg.jp/keizai/k-yuchi/business/00002_2.html )

▽Press release materials are available at here.

▽Information on past companies, locating to Fukuoka are available on the studies website.

▽Click here for various information on Fukuoka City, including companies that have located to Fukuoka.
 Fukuoka Facts - Data about the Best of Fukuoka
 ※The latest data will be uploaded over the coming days.

プレスリリース提供:PR TIMES
