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  • アグレコジャパン、加藤慎章氏が代表取締役社長および韓国・台湾を含む地域統括代表に就任


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Aggreko Japan株式会社


(PR TIMES) 2025年01月23日(木)21時40分配信 PR TIMES


(English Follows)
アグレコジャパン(Aggreko Japan株式会社)は、2025年1月1日付で加藤慎章(かとうのりあき)氏が代表取締役社長に就任したことをお知らせします。加藤氏は日本法人の代表に加え、韓国および台湾の代表も兼務し、地域全体を統括しアグレコの成長を推進させます。
[画像1: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/148001/2/148001-2-058577438ee763ab9f3444df449fc78c-1322x960.jpg?width=536&quality=85%2C75&format=jpeg&auto=webp&fit=bounds&bg-color=fff ]

アグレコは、世界60ヵ国以上、200箇所以上の拠点で事業を展開する世界最大のエネルギーソリューション企業です。緊急時における非常用電力の供給や、急拡大するAI向けデータセンターでの熱負荷サービス、オリンピックや F1の公式スポンサーを務め大規模イベントでのエネルギー供給なども行っております。東京2020オリンピックでは、世界中から400名を超えるエンジニアを集結させ、安定した電力供給を実現いたしました。




また、アグレコのアフリカ中東アジア太平洋プレジデントのJohan de Villiers(ヨハン・デ・ヴィリアーズ)は次のように述べています。
[画像2: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/148001/2/148001-2-b49412b4a08ce3a306457dbcf1c05c7e-1904x516.jpg?width=536&quality=85%2C75&format=jpeg&auto=webp&fit=bounds&bg-color=fff ]

Aggrekoは、ビジネスの成長とコミュニティの繁栄を支援するエネルギーソリューションの世界的リーダーです。急速に変化するエネルギー市場で事業を展開する弊社は、時節・場所・必要期間に応じて、お客様に電力と温度制御のソリューションを提供しています。 最新のテクノロジーを駆使し、革新的な思考と豊富な産業知識を組み合わせることで、柔軟なモジュール式ソリューションの数々を通じ複雑な要求にもお客様に満足頂けるようサポートを行います。また持続可能な設備、燃料、サービスに投資することで、環境に配慮したソリューションをお客様に提供し、サスティナブルで効率的な未来社会を支援いたします。1962年に設立、本社を英国にあります。

Aggreko Japan株式会社
〒100-0005 東京都千代田区丸の内1丁目6番5号 丸の内北口ビル9階

ーEnglish Followsー
Noriaki Kato Appointed as President of Aggreko Japan and Managing Director of North Asia

Aggreko Japan (Aggreko Japan K.K.) has announced that, effective January 1, 2025, Noriaki Kato is appointed President of Aggreko Japan and Managing Director of North Asia. In addition to leading the Japan business, Mr. Kato will oversee operations in South Korea and Taiwan, driving further growth across the entire North Asia region.
[画像3: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/148001/2/148001-2-48768f0c227ec22eb56e96e965921506-1322x960.jpg?width=536&quality=85%2C75&format=jpeg&auto=webp&fit=bounds&bg-color=fff ]
Noriaki Kato and Johan de Villiers (at Aggreko's Dubai office)

Aggreko is a global leader in energy solutions, operating in over 60 countries with more than 200 locations worldwide. The company is the official temporary power transition provider for Formula 1 and in 2020, contributed to the success of the Tokyo Olympics by deploying over 400 engineers from around the world to ensure stable power supply for the event.

During the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, Aggreko swiftly provided 200MW of emergency power equipment to cool the reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, preventing further escalation of the incident. In the aftermath of the earthquake, Aggreko installed temporary power plants in affected areas and across the country to address power shortages, significantly contributing to Japan's economic recovery. These efforts have solidified Aggreko’s position as a trusted partner supporting Japan through its evolving energy landscape.

Mr. Kato brings extensive experience in the energy sector, both domestically and internationally. In 2018, he was appointed as the Japan Representative for GCL New Energy Japan. In 2020, he became President and CEO of ETS Holdings Co., Ltd., and in 2024, he successfully led ETS Group to a listing on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Standard Market, showcasing his exceptional leadership. Mr. Kato holds a Master of Engineering from Yokohama National University and an MBA from the University of Tsukuba. He is also a licensed First-Class Architect and Professional Engineer (Environmental Engineering). Additionally, he actively serves as an executive member of the Japan Association of Corporate Executives.

Upon his appointment, Mr. Kato commented: “I am deeply honored to assume the roles of President of Aggreko Japan and Regional Head of North Asia. I am confident that we will further expands Aggreko’s footprint in North Asia while continuing to enhance our solutions for our customers.”

Johan de Villiers, President - Africa, Middle East and Asia Pacific Aggreko, also shared his thoughts: “Kato-san has demonstrated outstanding leadership and a proven track record in the energy industry throughout his career. Aggreko is committed to delivering flexible and sustainable energy solutions that contribute to the development of communities and industries. “With Kato-sans appointment, I am confident that we will further grow and develop our team in North Asia, serve our customers with passion and excellence, and deliver strong business results for all stakeholders.”

Aggreko Japan K.K.
9th Floor, Marunouchi North Exit Building, 1-6-5 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
[画像4: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/148001/2/148001-2-efa9d1c30d949c5c9bb8bcf93dc5affc-1904x516.jpg?width=536&quality=85%2C75&format=jpeg&auto=webp&fit=bounds&bg-color=fff ]

プレスリリース提供:PR TIMES
